Columbia River Crossing Study

Population and employment growth in the Wenatchee Valley is expected to continue, resulting in growth in vehicular and freight traffic. The Columbia River Crossing Study contemplates a new river crossing that would address key growth-related issues such as congestion, freight and multi-modal mobility, and economic development. A third crossing has been discussed in the Wenatchee Valley for some time. CDTC recognizes the timeline it will take to plan, fund, design and build such a significant project and is starting the process with this Study. The intent of the study is to apply concept-level planning, environmental and engineering analyses to understand the magnitude of the costs, benefits and impacts for up to four river crossing location options, this is the first step to collect enough information to understand the outcomes of a third crossing and inform policies and investment priorities in the next CDTC Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) update. To that end, CDTC was not looking for the study to result in a single, preferred recommendation.

🚦 Complete Document: Columbia River Crossing Study

Appendix A: Study Advisory Committee/Link Transit/Chelan PUD Meeting Notes
Appendix B: Environmental Background Information
Appendix C: Desktop Geotechnical Review
Appendix D: 4th Crossing Location Review
Appendix E: Planning-Level Cost Estimates