2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) authorizes the expenditure of federal funds from the United States Department of Transportation funding programs for regionally significant transportation projects and services, as well as state funds directly appropriated by the Washington legislature for regionally significant projects. CDTC programs the expenditure of these federal and state funds over a six year period, although no projects with secured funding are included in year 5 or 6 at this time. The TIP provides a one-stop source of information about upcoming:
Maintenance and preservation of highways, city streets, county roads, bridges, multi-use pathways and public transit facilities;
Improvements to the safety of highways, city streets, county roads, intersections, pedestrian crossings, bridges, multi-use pathways and public transit services;
Construction of new highways, city streets, county roads, bridges, multi-use pathways and public transit facilities; and
Transportation planning studies for the development of future regionally-significant transportation projects.
The TIP programs projects and transit services that are expected to achieve meaningful progress toward CDTC’s adopted transportation performance targets in the Regional Transportation Plan related to safety for highways and transit, highway and bridge condition and travel time reliability, and transit asset management.
Supporting Documents
To view CDTC’s Title VI information, click here. Given sufficient notice, the information provided on this page can be made available in alternative formats upon request by contacting Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council (CDTC) at 509-663-9059. Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may make a request by calling the Washington State Relay at 711.